I can't believe we're here already. I wouldn't necessarily say that the second trimester flew by; it's more like I just really settled into it. First trimester I was tired and ravenous and constantly afraid of losing the baby. Second trimester became an easy "new normal."
The Metertot kicks a LOT, especially in the morning before I get up and at night before I fall asleep. She hasn't woken me up yet though, so she's either extremely considerate or we're on the exact same schedule.
Week 21
I needed a fellow Enneagram Eights to truly get this with me:
- Realized I'm only constipated because I wasn't getting my usual exercise because of having house guests.
- It's getting harder to put on my shoes.
- 21w 2d my belly felt "heavy."
- Trouble sleeping has returned.
Week 22
- Sleep is tough. I cannot wake up in the morning, but no matter how early I go to bed I can't fall asleep before midnight.
Week 23
- Leaking...? Pee? Discharge?
- 23w 5d: First stretch marks...but then they went away...? Definitely continuing to accrue skin tags.
Week 24
- Pregnancy rage?
- Vaginal heaviness/slight achiness.
Week 25
- Vaginal achiness and heaviness continuing.
- She kicks a lot :)
Week 26
The pregnancy dreams continue to be next level:
Worried myself for a few days:

- Vaginal heaviness is gone.
- 26w 1d, evening: Very uncomfortable in an undefined way.
- Blue vein running down my chin on the right side, like a marionette.
- Gag reflex is bad...? Jk I just took prenatal vitamins on too empty a stomach.
- 26w 3d, evening: I'm uncomfortable, like I don't know where to put my right ribs.
- Vaginal heaviness is back.
- Getting a downy white peach fuzz beard on my jaw near my earlobes XD
Week 27
The crib came! So grateful to Mom and Daddy for blessing us with this! (The diploma and award will be moved soon; the nursery just used to be my office 🤣)

- Officially retiring my favorite set of sports bras for now.
- Right ribs continuing to feel displaced.
- We've got stretch marks! Left boob is wearing 'em like the badge they are.
- We're pretty sure we have her first name picked out. Still kicking around a small handful of middle names.
Week 28

Did the gestational diabetes test this morning. Fingers crossed that I passed.

The doctor also said my belly is measuring appropriately and that Metertot seems to be head down.
- Broke down and used a panty liner this morning 🤣 I only leak first thing in the morning, but it was nice to bend down with abandon as I unloaded the dishwasher.
- Right ribs are sore and feel like they don't have room. The left side feels normal.
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